On 8 Oct 2009, at 18:17 , Toshio Kuratomi wrote:

This is not at all how I use virtualenv. For me virtualenv is a
sandbox so that I don't have to become root whenever I need to install
a Python package for testing purposes

This is needing to install multiple versions and use the newly installed
version for testing.

No it's not. It's keeping the python package *being tested* out of the system's or user's site-package because it's potentially unstable or unneeded. It provides a trivial way of *removing* the package to get rid of it: delete the virtualenv. No trace anywhere that the package was ever installed, no impact on the system (apart from the potential side-effects of executing the system).

The issue here isn't "multiple installed packages", it will more than likely be the only version of itself: note that it's a package being tested, not an *upgrade* being tested.

The issues solved are:
* not having to become root (solved by PEP 370 if it ever lands)
* minimizing as much as possible the impact of testing the package on the system (not solved by any other solution)

and to allow me to hop between
sets of installed Python packages while developing on multiple Python

This is the ability to install multiple versions and specify different
versions for different projects you're working on.

No, this is the ability to not needlessly clutter site-packages, keep them clean, tight, focused; and the ability to keep a project's environment (such as its dependencies) clear and repeatable. Nowhere was it indicated that multiple versions were involved.

Both of those *might* imply issues of multiple versions concurrently installed on the system, and virtualenv would incidentally solve these issues, but these issues are *not* the core of either use case. They're at best peripheral and potential.
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