> It's true that as Martin said, we can rebase our code to Py3K in a
> branch on python.org any time we like, the question is more "if we do
> the work, will the Python community accept it".

I've stated my personal preference already. Let me add an observation on
top of that: even if the core committers in general might only give
a luke-warm welcome to llvm usage in the trunk - once it actually is
accepted and committed to the trunk, they will certainly start
supporting it. I would view it as similar to cyclic garbage collection:
when this was first proposed, I wondered myself "who would need that".
When it then was added, I started looking at how it actually works,
and liked the implementation approach very much. People, including
myself, then started fixing remaining types to support GC over the
next year, and would consider it a bug if it didn't work - whether
they were initially pro or con addition of GC.

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