On 26/01/2010 05:27, David Lyon wrote:
At 03:15 PM 1/26/2010 +1100, David Lyon wrote:
With all due respect, that process is a bit like a black magic
approach. Maybe the capability is there, but it isn't very well
documented and it isn't obvious.
I don't see what's so hard about:

1. Zip up your application in myapp.zip with a __main__.py
2. Run "python myapp.zip"

For development, you don't even need the zipfile.  Just do:

1. Put your app in myapp/ with a __main__.py
2. Run "python myapp"

Firstly, it doesn't create create desktop shortcuts - sorry users
need those. Where do the programs go?

That would typically be done by your installer. Compiling a .NET executable or even a C / C++ executable doesn't magically create shortcuts either.

Secondly, I never knew about it. Is this a distutils option?
Well, what does that tell us. ;-)

I'm sure you know that providing a zip file to a normal user
as an applicaton and you get back the immediate question.. "So,
what do I do with this?". Then as a sysadmin, you have to go
install it manually in their "Program Files" and setup all the
shortcuts so that they can actually use it.

Again - done by your installer, not provided by the language.

It just isn't up to modern standards.

What standards?
Even with my two years
experience in python I had no knowledge of this trick.

A whole two years? ;-)

All the best,

Michael Foord

Where is the distutils support to allow this to be built?

Hey look, if this capability is in there, then great.

But having a __main__.py file in a zip file is hardly a clear
and obvious way (to outside people) that it is a python

Why can't we just be like the rest of the universe and have
one icon type for packages and one icon type for applications.

Double click them and they get filed in the right place.

This is what I am talking about, python packaging has become
just so obscure over the years.

Having two ways to do something (one way to package an egg
and one way to package an application) isn't true to python
spirit of having just one way, and one obvious way to do

I'm very sure you know what I mean here.. and this is coming
from a big fan of yours.


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