On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 16:24, David Lyon <david.l...@pythontest.org> wrote:
> Think how useful it would be to ship Django or Plone from a zip box...

Plone has installers, and is very easily installed on Windows, for
those who want to try it.

For real production installations you don't want that kind of
installations for Plone or Django. And since Django is not an end-user
product I fail to see how that would be useful to have an installer
like that for it.

> I doubt distutils will be replaced. Too much time and effort has been
> spent on bandaids to keep it running.

Somehow everything you ever write ends up saying that distutils should
be scrapped and something else should be rewritten instead. Also, you
are apparently the only one in the world who understands how it should
be made.

OK. Fine. Lets say that you are right.

The get going, stop spending time on complaining and implement it the
right way instead. Honestly.

Less talk, more hockey.
Lennart Regebro: Python, Zope, Plone, Grok
+33 661 58 14 64
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