On 14/04/2010 13:46, Barry Warsaw wrote:
On Apr 14, 2010, at 10:56 AM, Michael Foord wrote:

The problem is the process that creates a new release with a 404 link to
the Mac installer with no explanation. The 2.6.5 release (as always)
caused several requests to webmaster from Mac users unable to download
Python - which is a further waste of volunteer time as well as a cause
of frustration for users.
As the RM, that's my fault then.  When I start creating the page for a new
release I will leave the Windows and Mac links commented out.  I do (now
<wink>) wait for Martin to upload the Windows installers before announcing the
release, but generally don't wait for Ronald to produce the Mac images, so I
leave those commented out too.  When Ronald builds the Mac image and provides
it to me, I'll upload them and tweak the page.

Can we amend that to having some placeholder text saying that the Mac installer is not yet available and a link to the previous available version please. That can then be replaced with the normal link once the Mac installer is uploaded.


Michael Foord



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