On 02/08/2010 03:54, Benjamin Peterson wrote:
2010/7/31 Éric Araujo<wins...@netwok.org>:
Good call.

Alternative idea: Have a new status “unread” to make searching easier
for bug people. Or a predefined custom search for nosy_count == 1.

Please, let's stop messing with the tracker for everything. I think
the current set up works reasonably well, and we should focus on the
real problem: manpower

I disagree entirely with this comment. Perhaps we should simply agree to disagree, but I can't see how having issues that have been sitting for years without any response at all ties in with "the current set up works reasonably well". The number was over 500 when Terry Reedy put his orphan tracker request on c.l.py. IMHO a reply along the lines of "bugger off we're far too busy" would be better than nothing. Failing that the simple "please provide a code and unit test patch" seems to work quite well. Failing that "I'm going to close this because nobody is interested" works extremely well in waking people up! :) All of these are better than complete silence. I also believe that the latter of my suggestions should be used when the OP has shown no interest in moving the issue despite being asked to do so.

Just me tuppence worth.

Mark Lawrence.

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