On 02/08/2010 17:54, Brian Curtin wrote:
On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 11:39, Ralf Schmitt <r...@brainbot.com
<mailto:r...@brainbot.com>> wrote:
Benjamin Peterson <benja...@python.org
<mailto:benja...@python.org>> writes:
> Please, let's stop messing with the tracker for everything. I think
> the current set up works reasonably well, and we should focus on the
> real problem: manpower
Ignoring issues (probably even with some patches attached) will drive
contributors away. That's not the way to increase manpower.
- Ralf
Overall the "no response" query just passes the buck. Let's say we get
that query down to zero issues. What does that give us? Now we have
500 issues with 2 responses. Sure, it makes further correspondence
more likely, but it's not solving any real issues and making any
measurably significant impact.
Sure it could make a difference. People who submit issues will
appreciate *some* response a great deal more than no response. More than
that, if we have people dedicated to looking at new issues then we are
more likely to *resolve* some that would otherwise "slip through the net".
While I do think the "no response" query can be helpful, let's not
attribute too much value to tiny tweaks of the tracker and reporting.
Benjamin is right -- manpower is where we'll benefit the most, not in
the manner we paint the current issue situation.
Sure. *Part* of drawing in more manpower can be engaging with those
submitting issues and seeing if we can get them to post patches and / or
tests - and suck them as far into Python development as we possibly can.
;-) For many people submitting an issue may be their first contact with
Python developers and the Python development process (just as for others
posting to Python-dev will be their first contact - even if they really
should be posting to comp.lang.python instead).
All the best,
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