On 23/03/2012 7:10 PM, Paul Moore wrote:
On 23 March 2012 03:20, Brian Curtin<br...@python.org>  wrote:
Breakage of existing tools: Mark Hammond, Paul Moore, and Tim Golden have
all expressed that they have existing tools that would break and would need
to be adjusted to match the new location of the python.exe, because that
location is assumed to be at the root of the python install.

Isn't the proposed "BinaryDir" registry key helpful here? It's not
like we're telling people to fend for themselves -- we'll tell you
where it's at.

It won't help me much. I either check a key and fall back on the old
method, or check in bin and fall back on the old method. No major
difference. The key is slightly worse, as I'm already looking in the
filesystem, so why open a registry key, but it's mostly irrelevant.

That's a really good point. On reflection, the 2 tools I've been using as examples are already sniffing around the file-system relative to the install path, looking in the root and the PCBuild directories. The simplest approach for these tools to take is to simply sniff the bin directory too - so they are unlikely to refer to the BinaryDir key at all.

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