On Fri, May 09, 2014 at 06:09:28AM -0700, Ethan Furman <et...@stoneleaf.us> 
> On 05/08/2014 02:02 PM, Paul Moore wrote:
> Well, I do host a small handful of modules on PyPI, but I can say that some 
> of my pain points are:
>   - getting a good name: the obvious ones are taken, so the search
>     begins to find a name that is not taken and yet still feels at
>     least somewhat appropriate:
>       my OO path module ended up being called strpath (dumb name);
>       eventually changed to antipathy
>       my script param line parser is called scription (okay name)
>       my enum backport is called enum34 (blah)
>       my dbf package is called dbf (lucky lucky lucky!)

   For many reasons I avoid github/gitorious/bitbucket, but there is one
thing they do right -- two-levels namespaces.

   "Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!"

     Oleg Broytman            http://phdru.name/            p...@phdru.name
           Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.
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