On 02.06.2015 21:07, Maciej Fijalkowski wrote:
> Hi
> There was a PSF-sponsored effort to improve the situation with the
> https://bitbucket.org/pypy/codespeed2/src being written (thank you
> PSF). It's not better enough than codespeed that I would like, but
> gives some opportunities.
> That said, we have a benchmark machine for benchmarking cpython and I
> never deployed nightly benchmarks of cpython for a variety of reasons.
> * would be cool to get a small VM to set up the web front
> * people told me that py3k is only interesting, so I did not set it up
> for py3k because benchmarks are mostly missing
> I'm willing to set up a nightly speed.python.org using nightly build
> on python 2 and possible python 3 if there is an interest. I need
> support from someone maintaining python buildbot to setup builds and a
> VM to set up stuff, otherwise I'm good to go
> DISCLAIMER: I did facilitate in codespeed rewrite that was not as
> successful as I would have hoped. I did not receive any money from the
> PSF on that though.

I think we should look into getting speed.python.org up and
running for both Python 2 and 3 branches:


What would it take to make that happen ?

> Cheers,
> fijal
> On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 1:14 PM, M.-A. Lemburg <m...@egenix.com> wrote:
>> On 01.06.2015 12:44, Armin Rigo wrote:
>>> Hi Larry,
>>> On 31 May 2015 at 01:20, Larry Hastings <la...@hastings.org> wrote:
>>>> p.s. Supporting this patch also helps cut into PyPy's reported performance
>>>> lead--that is, if they ever upgrade speed.pypy.org from comparing against
>>>> Python *2.7.2*.
>>> Right, we should do this upgrade when 2.7.11 is out.
>>> There is some irony in your comment which seems to imply "PyPy is
>>> cheating by comparing with an old Python 2.7.2": it is inside a thread
>>> which started because "we didn't backport performance improvements to
>>> 2.7.x so far".
>>> Just to convince myself, I just ran a performance comparison.  I ran
>>> the same benchmark suite as speed.pypy.org, with 2.7.2 against 2.7.10,
>>> both freshly compiled with no "configure" options at all.  The
>>> differences are usually in the noise, but range from +5% to... -60%.
>>> If anything, this seems to show that CPython should take more care
>>> about performance regressions.  If someone is interested:
>>> * "raytrace-simple" is 1.19 times slower
>>> * "bm_mako" is 1.29 times slower
>>> * "spitfire_cstringio" is 1.60 times slower
>>> * a number of other benchmarks are around 1.08.
>>> The "7.0x faster" number on speed.pypy.org would be significantly
>>> *higher* if we upgraded the baseline to 2.7.10 now.
>> If someone were to volunteer to set up and run speed.python.org,
>> I think we could add some additional focus on performance
>> regressions. Right now, we don't have any way of reliably
>> and reproducibly testing Python performance.
>> Hint: The PSF would most likely fund such adventures :-)
>> --
>> Marc-Andre Lemburg
>> eGenix.com
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Marc-Andre Lemburg

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   eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
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