On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 4:32 PM, R. David Murray <rdmur...@bitdance.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 04 Jun 2015 12:55:55 +0200, "M.-A. Lemburg" <m...@egenix.com> wrote:
>> On 04.06.2015 04:08, Tetsuya Morimoto wrote:
>> >> If someone were to volunteer to set up and run speed.python.org, I think
>> > we could add some additional focus on performance regressions. Right now,
>> > we don't have any way of reliably and reproducibly testing Python
>> > performance.
>> >
>> > I'm very interested in speed.python.org and feel regret that the project is
>> > standing still. I have a mind to contribute something ...
>> On 03.06.2015 18:59, Maciej Fijalkowski wrote:> On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 3:49 
>> PM, R. David Murray
>> >>>> I think we should look into getting speed.python.org up and
>> >>>> running for both Python 2 and 3 branches:
>> >>>>
>> >>>>      https://speed.python.org/
>> >>>>
>> >>>> What would it take to make that happen ?
>> >>>
>> >>> I guess ideal would be some cooperation from some of the cpython devs,
>> >>> so say someone can setup cpython buildbot
>> >>
>> >> What does "set up cpython buildbot" mean in this context?
>> >
>> > The way it works is dual - there is a program running the benchmarks
>> > (the runner) which is in the pypy case run by the pypy buildbot and
>> > the web side that reports stuff. So someone who has access to cpython
>> > buildbot would be useful.
> (I don't seem to have gotten a copy of Maciej's message, at least not
> yet.)
> OK, so what you are saying is that speed.python.org will run a buildbot
> slave so that when a change is committed to cPython, a speed run will be
> triggered?  Is "the runner" a normal buildbot slave, or something
> custom?  In the normal case the master controls what the slave
> runs...but regardless, you'll need to let us know how the slave
> invocation needs to be configured on the master.

Ideally nightly (benchmarks take a while). The setup for pypy looks like this:


so fairly easy. This already generates a json file that you can plot.
We can setup an upload automatically too.

>> Ok, so there's interest and we have at least a few people who are
>> willing to help.
>> Now we need someone to take the lead on this and form a small
>> project group to get everything implemented. Who would be up
>> to such a task ?
>> The speed project already has a mailing list, so you could use
>> that for organizing the details.
> If it's a low volume list I'm willing to sign up, but regardless I'm
> willing to help with the buildbot setup on the CPython side.  (As soon
> as my credential-update request gets through infrastructure, at least :)
> --David
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