On Wed, 03 Jun 2015 12:04:10 +0200, Maciej Fijalkowski <fij...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 11:38 AM, M.-A. Lemburg <m...@egenix.com> wrote:
> > On 02.06.2015 21:07, Maciej Fijalkowski wrote:
> >> Hi
> >>
> >> There was a PSF-sponsored effort to improve the situation with the
> >> https://bitbucket.org/pypy/codespeed2/src being written (thank you
> >> PSF). It's not better enough than codespeed that I would like, but
> >> gives some opportunities.
> >>
> >> That said, we have a benchmark machine for benchmarking cpython and I
> >> never deployed nightly benchmarks of cpython for a variety of reasons.
> >>
> >> * would be cool to get a small VM to set up the web front
> >>
> >> * people told me that py3k is only interesting, so I did not set it up
> >> for py3k because benchmarks are mostly missing
> >>
> >> I'm willing to set up a nightly speed.python.org using nightly build
> >> on python 2 and possible python 3 if there is an interest. I need
> >> support from someone maintaining python buildbot to setup builds and a
> >> VM to set up stuff, otherwise I'm good to go
> >>
> >> DISCLAIMER: I did facilitate in codespeed rewrite that was not as
> >> successful as I would have hoped. I did not receive any money from the
> >> PSF on that though.
> >
> > I think we should look into getting speed.python.org up and
> > running for both Python 2 and 3 branches:
> >
> >      https://speed.python.org/
> >
> > What would it take to make that happen ?
> I guess ideal would be some cooperation from some of the cpython devs,
> so say someone can setup cpython buildbot

What does "set up cpython buildbot" mean in this context?

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