On Friday, February 2, 2018 10:08:43 AM EST Eric V. Smith wrote:
> However, I don't feel very strongly about this. As I've said, I expect
> the use cases for hash=True to be very, very rare. 

Why do you think that the requirement to make a dataclass hashable is a 
"very, very rare" requirement?  The moment you want to use a dataclass a 
a dict key, or put it in a set, you need it to be hashable.  

Just put yourself in the shoes of an average Python developer.  You try 
to put a dataclass in a set, you get a TypeError.  Your immediate 
reaction is to add "hash=True".  Things appear to work.  Then, you, or 
someone else, decides to mutate the dataclass object and then you are 
looking at a very frustrating debug session.

> In all, I think we're better off documenting best practices and making 
> them the default, like attrs does, and leave it to the programmer to 
> follow them. I realize we're handing out footguns

I don't think attrs doing the same thing is a valid justification.  This 
is a major footgun that is very easy to trigger, and there's really no 
precedent in standard data types.

> the alternatives seem even more complex and are limiting.

The alternative is simple and follows the design of other standard 
containers: immutable containers are hashable, mutable containers are 
not.  @dataclass(frozen=False) gives you a SimpleNamespace-like and 
@dataclass(frozen=True) gives you a namedtuple-like.  If you _really_ 
know what you are doing, then you can always declare an explicit 

> The problem with dropping hash=True is: how would you write __hash__ 
> yourself?

Is "def __hash__(self): return hash((self.field1, self.field2))" that 
hard?  It is explicit, and you made a concious choice, i.e you 
understand how __hash__ works.  IMO, the danger of 
"@dataclass(hash=True)" far overweighs whatever convenience it might 

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