On Sun, Feb 4, 2018 at 11:57 PM, Gregory P. Smith <g...@krypto.org> wrote:

> +1 using unsafe_hash as a name addresses my concern.
mine too -- anyone surprised by using this deserves what they get :-)


On Sun, Feb 4, 2018, 9:50 PM Guido van Rossum <gu...@python.org> wrote:
>> Looks like this is turning into a major flamewar regardless of what I
>> say. :-(
>> I really don't want to lose the ability to add a hash function to a
>> mutable dataclass by flipping a flag in the decorator. I'll explain below.
>> But I am fine if this flag has a name that clearly signals it's an unsafe
>> thing to do.
>> I propose to replace the existing (as of 3.7.0b1) hash= keyword for the
>> @dataclass decorator with a simpler flag named unsafe_hash=. This would be
>> a simple bool (not a tri-state flag like the current hash=None|False|True).
>> The default would be False, and the behavior then would be to add a hash
>> function automatically only if it's safe (using the same rules as for
>> hash=None currently). With unsafe_hash=True, a hash function would always
>> be generated that takes all fields into account except those declared using
>> field(hash=False). If there's already a `def __hash__` in the function I
>> don't care what it does, maybe it should raise rather than quietly doing
>> nothing or quietly overwriting it.
>> Here's my use case.
>> A frozen class requires a lot of discipline, since you have to compute
>> the values of all fields before calling the constructor. A mutable class
>> allows other initialization patterns, e.g. manually setting some fields
>> after the instance has been constructed, or having a separate non-dunder
>> init() method. There may be good reasons for using these patterns, e.g. the
>> object may be part of a cycle (e.g. parent/child links in a tree). Or you
>> may just use one of these patterns because you're a pretty casual coder. Or
>> you're modeling something external.
>> My point is that once you have one of those patterns in place, changing
>> your code to avoid them may be difficult. And yet your code may treat the
>> objects as essentially immutable after the initialization phase (e.g. a
>> parse tree). So if you create a dataclass and start coding like that for a
>> while, and much later you need to put one of these into a set or use it as
>> a dict key, switching to frozen=True may not be a quick option. And writing
>> a __hash__ method by hand may feel like a lot of busywork. So this is where
>> [unsafe_]hash=True would come in handy.
>> I think naming the flag unsafe_hash should take away most objections,
>> since it will be clear that this is not a safe thing to do. People who
>> don't understand the danger are likely to copy a worse solution from
>> StackOverflow anyway. The docs can point to frozen=True and explain the
>> danger.
>> --
>> --Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)
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