On 26 April 2017 at 19:19, Michal Cyprian <mcypr...@redhat.com> wrote:
> The other possibility is to limit the pip install location change
> to distutils and pip [2]. This is the "safer" option, but does
> not cover all corner cases. For example, Python software built
> locally using cmake or similar tools will be installed into
> /usr/lib and can conflict with system tools. Debian chose to
> implement similar solution.
> I would like to ask which solution would work for your applications
> better, and what is in your opinion the right way to go.

From my perspective, the main goal of the change is to make it
possible to fully recover from "sudo pip install <package>" by doing
"sudo pip uninstall <package>", and the approach Debian took is
sufficient to achieve that in almost all cases. So +1 from me for
replicating something similar to Debian's approach in Fedora rather
than blazing new trails by fiddling with `sys.prefix` directly.

For the latter concern with CMake/autotools/Scons/etc, anyone doing
local builds of C/C++ applications already needs to be careful not to
be interfere with system packages, so I'm comfortable leaving that in
the category where running C/C++ build system install commands outside
a package build process without due care and attention is a generally
bad idea (e.g. a "sudo make altinstall" of the Python 3.5 maintenance
branch will clobber the system Python binaries in F25, and a "sudo
make install" from the main Python development branch will mess with
the default symlinks if you didn't set a suitable `/opt/` prefix).


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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