On Mon, Jul 31, 2017 at 3:41 PM, David Mertz <me...@gnosis.cx> wrote:
>> But most of the time you always have the same attributes in the same order
>> (think of reading a CSV for example), and this would be just a normal tuple,
>> but with custom names for the indexes.
> You apparently live in a halcyon world of data cleanliness where CSV data is
> so well behaved.
> In my world, I more typically deal with stuff like
> data1.csv:
> --------------
> name,age,salaryK
> John,39,50
> Sally,52,37
> data2.csv:
> --------------
> name,salaryK,age
> Juan,47,31
> Siu,88,66
> I'm likely to define different namedtuples for dealing with this:
>     NameSalAge = namedtuple('NSA','name salary age')
>     NameAgeSal = namedtuple('NAS','name age salary')
> Then later, indeed, I might ask:
>     if employee1.salary == employee2.salary: ...
> And this would work even though I got the data from the different formats.

Then you want csv.DictReader and dictionary lookups.

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