On 23Jul2018 1145, Antoine Pitrou wrote:

Le 23/07/2018 à 12:38, Steve Dower a écrit :

General comment to everyone (not just Antoine): these arguments have
zero value to me. Feel free to keep making them, but I am uninterested.

So you're uninterested in learning from past mistakes?

You sound like a child who thinks their demands should be satisfied
because they are the center of the world.

Sorry if it came across like that, it wasn't the intention. A bit of context on why you think it's a mistake would have helped, but if it's a purely subjective "I don't like the look of it" (as most similar arguments have turned out) then it doesn't add anything to enhancing the PEP. As a result, I do not see any reason to engage with this class of argument.

I hope you'll also notice that I've been making very few demands in this thread, and have indicated a number of times that I'm very open to adjusting the proposal in the face of honest and useful feedback.

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