On 23 July 2018 at 12:39, Grégory Lielens <gregory.liel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Maybe it would help if you mention in which context you will benefit the
> most? If the python sub-community related to this context agree "?? and
> friends" is a good idea, then it will add weight to the proposal. Else,
> probably better to forget it.
> It seems related to JSON, but as I have never used it, it's a wild guess.

This is my impression, as well. It seems like something that's helpful
in dealing with unstructured object hierarchies with lots of optional
attributes - which is where JSON tends to be used.

But given that, I'm really much more interested in seeing the new
operators compared against a well-written "JSON object hierarchy
traversal" library than against raw Python code. I'll happily agree
that traversing JSON-style data in current Python is pretty
unpleasant. But I don't honestly think that anyone has explored how
far a well-written library can go in making it easy to handle such
data (well, I certainly haven't, and I haven't found any particularly
good examples on PyPI). And until that's been tried, I think it's
premature to propose a syntax change (if it *has* been tried, adding
references to the PEP would be useful).

Again, this is more about ?. and ?[. I can see general uses for ??
(and its augmented assignment form ??=), but the None-aware attribute
and item access operators seem to me to be the most domain-specific
aspects of the PEP (as well as being the ugliest IMO ;-)). So
comparing against domain-specific libraries rather than against "write
your own" raw Python code seems reasonable to me.

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