On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 12:09:00PM +0100, Steve Dower wrote:
> On 23Jul2018 1145, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> >
> >Le 23/07/2018 à 12:38, Steve Dower a écrit :
> >>
> >>General comment to everyone (not just Antoine): these arguments have
> >>zero value to me. Feel free to keep making them, but I am uninterested.
> >
> >So you're uninterested in learning from past mistakes?
> >
> >You sound like a child who thinks their demands should be satisfied
> >because they are the center of the world.
> Sorry if it came across like that, it wasn't the intention. 

Steve, I don't think you should apologise to somebody who has just 
quoted you out of context and insulted you for no good reason.

In context, your comment about "these arguments" was a perfectly 
reasonable thing to say. You didn't say you were uninterested in *all* 
arguments, only certain kinds of low-value arguments that keep getting 
made over and over again. Antoine snipped the context, unfairly accused 
you on zero evidence of being "uninterested in learning from past 
mistakes", and described you as a self-centred child.

I think Antoine should be apologising to you, not the other way around.

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