On Wed, Aug 08, 2018 at 12:57:51AM +0300, Victor Porton wrote:
> This is an idea of a new PEP.
> I propose to create a portable file format which will list command line 
> options to run Python scripts with dual purpose:

Feel free to create whatever file format you like. There are tens of 
thousands of them, one more won't hurt, and you certainly don't need to 
write a PEP first.

But I see no reason why this has anything to do with the Python standard 
library. Can you explain why you want to distribute an experimental 
file format in the Python std lib?

That means that the file format must be stable (you cannot make any 
future changes, due to backwards compatibility), and only available for 
Python 3.8 or higher.

> PyCharm allows to define and store different command line options for 
> Python scripts.
> This has two drawbacks:
> 1. It is not portable and this makes me not to submit the PyCharm 
> configuration into my GitHub repo.

You can put anything you like in your GitHub repo, GitHub won't care 
whether it is portable or not.

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