> On 8 Aug 2018, at 12:08, Victor Porton <por...@narod.ru> wrote:
>> On 08/08/18 12:25, Barry Scott wrote:
>>> On Tuesday, 7 August 2018 22:57:51 BST Victor Porton wrote:
>>> This is an idea of a new PEP.
>>> I propose to create a portable file format which will list command line
>>> options to run Python scripts with dual purpose:
>> At the moment I solve this problem with various solutions, depending on
>> requirements.
>> * use python unittest
>> * add a test target to a makefile.
>> * write a bash script to run the tests and diff output if required
>> * on windows do the same with CMD scripts
>> * use python to run python in a subprocess that run the tests.
>> Given all these ways to solve the problem what extra are you looking for?
> As I notes, I want to keep it in sync with PyCharm debug targets.

Then work with pycharm to get what you need.

> We need a standard to make PyCharm and others to conform to it.

No you need to convince pycharm it is worth implementing.


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