Hi Victor

Thank you for your contribution, regarding standards for Python tools.
Here is my two cents worth.

You wrote:
> We need a standard to make PyCharm and others to conform to it.

Things don't quite work that way, in the Python community. True, we
have a Benevolent Dictator For Life (BDFL), but that's more an
expression of respect for Guido, than a position of power. And anyway,
he's on well-deserved vacation.

For what you're suggesting, it's more that standards emerge through
community use, and then are adopted as a PEP Python standard. Wherever
possible, start first with an 'ad hoc' standard.

You say your proposal enhances PyCharm. So ask PyCharm and its users
set something up. As a first step, solve your own personal problem,
and put it up somewhere where others can pick it up.

Prove that the idea is good by establishing a group of users, starting
perhaps with yourself.

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