This is all making me think it's time for a broader discussion / PEP:

The future of the JSON module.

*maybe* the way forward is to try to make a new "category killer" JSON lib
(or at least a platform for standard protocols). But it also may make sense
to start within Python itself -- at least for the protocols.

These are  few things that seem to be on the table:

* support for extensions to the JSON standard (JSON5, etc.)
* support for serializing arbitrary precision decimal numbers
* support for allowing custom serializations (i.e. not just what can be
serialized, but controlling exactly how)
* a "dunder protocol" for customization
* what role, if any, should the json module have in ensuring only valid
JSON is produced?

Maybe this is all opening a big can of worms, but the conversation seems to
have strayed widely enough that maybe we should embrace that and try to get
a handle on it.

> Originally, oddly, sorry I can't remember where the standard library JSON
module came from? Someone donated and relicensed it; IIRC. Is it sinplejson?

This is a good point -- I'm not sure it matters exactly, but it is worth
recalling that decisions about eh details (like allowing arbitrary
separators) where not necessarily made as part of a careful discussion.

Also -- is there a particular core dev with "ownership" of the json module?


Christopher Barker, PhD

Python Language Consulting
  - Teaching
  - Scientific Software Development
  - Desktop GUI and Web Development
  - wxPython, numpy, scipy, Cython
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