A third-party module on PyPI for "fix-the-horrible-things-Outlook-does"
could be useful.  There is no way the standard library can or should keep
up with the newest mangling techniques mail handlers employ in this week's

I don't understand what you mean by the current interpreter not telling you
which character is bad.  It puts a pointer right under the problem
character in the error message.  Nothing is being hidden, even if the
code-manglers can do pretty insidious things... different in every version,
for every sender, and for every recipient.

On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 3:24 AM Steve Barnes <gadgetst...@live.co.uk> wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steven D'Aprano <st...@pearwood.info>
> Sent: 11 May 2020 06:02
> To: python-ideas@python.org
> Subject: [Python-ideas] Re: Improve handling of Unicode quotes and hyphens
> On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 04:28:38AM +0000, Steve Barnes wrote:
> > So we currently have a situation where not only does whether code
> > works or not depends on who typed it, in what environment, with what
> > settings but also on the same factors for who received it
> You say "currently", but that has always been the case, and the further
> back you go, the worse it was.
> [Steve Barnes] True - apart from the older email clients being less
> "helpful".
> > - so I could
> > use Outlook or Word to send a code fragment to 100 people and 5 say
> > that is great it works and the other 95 end up thinking that there is
> > something wrong with their installation.
> While the actual problem is that you are sending code via a non-WYSIWYG
> medium that may modify what you type.
> If you want to send code via email, the most reliable method is to
> attach it as a .py file.
> [Steve Barnes] My employer mandates the communication method(s) (as do
> many others). They also block unsafe "attachments" such as .py & .bat files
> (even when zipped). In any case I am often trying to tell the end user how
> to invoke existing code that they already have from the command line,
> (especially when they have stored files in folders with spaces, ampersands,
> hyphens, etc., in the path).
> > Personally I don't think this
> > fits in with the pythonic way of thinking!
> The Zen says differently:
> "Errors should never pass silently."
> It's not Python's responsibility to make up for lossy transmission
> methods such as mail servers which strip the high bit off every octet,
> or faulty hardware that randomly corrupts one byte in a thousand.
> And nor is it the interpreter's responsibility to guess what the user
> intended to type, or *should have* intended to type, in the face of
> editors which substitute characters.
> [Steve Barnes] What I would prefer is an error message that actually tells
> the end user which specific character(s) they have got wrong rather than
> something is wrong after all "Explicit is better than implicit" would
> suggest that "illegal character x (Unicode u)" would be more pythonic than
> the current error message.
> --
> Steven
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