On Sun, May 10, 2020 at 01:17:17PM -0700, Andrew Barnert via Python-ideas wrote:

> (By the way, the reason I used -f rather than —fix is that I can’t 
> figure out how to get the iPhone Mail.app to not replace double 
> hyphens with an em-dash, or even how to fix it when it does. All of 
> the other fancifier stuff can be worked around pretty easily, but 
> apparently not that one…)

I don't know anything about Mail.app, but in LibreOffice you can Ctrl-Z 
to underdo autocorrect without undoing the characters you typed.

In my experience, autocorrect often is activated when you type a 
space or newline, and only looks back a single word at a time. So 
with a bit of extra work, you might be able to avoid triggering the 
autocorrect on the hyphens. Perhaps something like this?

    type: space hyphen space hyphen space f i x space 
    backspace to delete the spaces
    forward arrow past the "fix" before typing another space

I have found that variations of this seems to work with autocorrect on 
some systems.

(Or just wait until you're back on a computer with a less annoying mail 
client before replying :-)

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