On Thu, May 21, 2020 at 06:48:55PM +0300, Serhiy Storchaka wrote:
> 21.05.20 16:45, Alex Hall пише:
> >≥ instead of >= might be an improvement because that's a 
> >symbol learned in school, but ultimately the student still needs to 
> >learn what `>=` means as it will be used most of the time.
> But in my school I learned ⩾, not ≥. It was used in USSR and I believe 
> in other European countries (maybe it is French or Germany tradition?).

As far as I am aware, there is no mathematical difference between the 
two greater-than-or-equal operators ⩾ and ≥ it is a purely stylistic 
issue, just as some fonts use two lines in dollar signs and some only 
one. I don't know why Unicode gives them two different code points, but 
if I were a betting man, I would put money on it being because some 
legacy character set provided them both.

(One of the motivations of Unicode is to allow the round-tripping from 
every common legacy charset without loss.)

> If Python will become accepting ≥ as an alias of >=, I insist that it 
> should accept also ⩾. And ⊃, because it is the symbol used for superset 
> relations for sets (currently written as >= in Python). 

An annoying thing about superset and subset operators is that 
mathematicians don't agree on whether the superset symbol ⊃ is strict or 
not. This is why we also have unambiguous symbols ⊇ (superset-or-equal) 
and ⊋ (strict superset not equal).

> And maybe other 
> national or domain specific mathematical symbols. Imagine confusion when 
> >=, ≥, ⩾ and ⊃ are occurred in the same program.

Imagine the confusion if somebody had variables spam, Spam, sPAM, SPam, 
sPAm. Or worse, SPΑM, SPАM and SPAM.


Let's not worry too much encouraging people's bad habits. People can 
write obfuscated code in any language. I am sure that before this is a 
problem, linters and code formatters like black will keep it under 

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