On Sun, Jul 5, 2020 at 8:57 PM Steven D'Aprano <st...@pearwood.info> wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 05, 2020 at 12:15:27PM -0400, David Mertz wrote:
> > This is a digression, but does anyone have a nice example IN PYTHON of
> > arriving at a NaN without going through infinity. I think Julia is right
> > and Python is wrong about '0/0', but as things are, that's not an
> example.
> I wouldn't expect one in Python, I think there is an unofficial policy
> of ensuring that Python builtins and the math library will not return
> NANs unless passed a NAN, or at least an INF, rather they will raise.
> > > >>> 1e1000-1e1000
> > > nan
> is just a funny way of writing INF - INF :-)

The standard library *does* seem to have taken pains to avoid "finite
nans."  It kinda weakens your case about worrying about doing clamp() right
in the face of NaNs :-).

I recognize there are funny ways of writing infinity.  But since Python
really doesn't quite follow IEEE-754 on 0/0, or math.fmod(x, 0.), or a few
other places it might arise in "natural" operations (i.e. it's easy not to
notice that your 'y' has become zero.

It also looks like the trig functions are pruned to those that don't have
undefined values for numbers I can type in.  I can *type*
`math.tan(math.pi/2)`, of course.  But math.pi is a little bit smaller than
the actual pi, so I just get a big number for an answer.  But I cannot try
the hypothetical:

>>> math.cot(0)

For what we actually have:

>>> math.tan(math.pi/2)


One ULP more:

>> math.tan(np.nextafter(math.pi/2, np.inf))


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