CPython is already very portable thanks to it being implemented in C.

I don't see, though, how a lack of stdlib for JavaScript makes it fast?
Unless you're saying the Python core team should drop the stdlib so it has
more time to focus on the CPython interpreter itself?

On Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 10:00 AM <redrad...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Recently I have been thinking about why `JavaScript` with it's horrible
> type system and lots of edge cases has supported so many platform and is
> very fast ...
> First answer is simple, because big companies such as Google, Facebook and
> so on evolve this language and run-time for it ...
> But it is only part of story, all this platforms would not be possible
> without some good architecture that was done by this companies
> What is this architecture decision ? It is a splitting run-time and
> infrastructure
> V8 is JavaScript engine that could very fast execute JavaScript and that
> is all !!
> It has a reach API using which you can embed this run-time almost every
> where ...
> What if we in Python will accomplish the same solution ?
> What if Python would have some very fast engine that could be integrate in
> every environment ?
> Engine will be able only execute Python code and call some registered
> callback (hooks) for `import` some module, for calling some registered
> C-extension and so on
> If this engine will be very portable then Python would be embedded
> everywhere !! ;)
> Engine will not suport all builtin functions and it will not have any
> library embedded in it
> To add some buiiltin functionality you will need register the callbacks in
> engine, the same with libraries
> Engine will just call callback to import code and callback optionally will
> return Python script which will be executed
> To be continue ...
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