On Thu, Jul 16, 2020, 1:33 PM David Mertz <me...@gnosis.cx> wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 12:59 PM <redrad...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Recently I have been thinking about why `JavaScript` with it's horrible
>> type system and lots of edge cases has supported so many platform and is
>> very fast ...
>> First answer is simple, because big companies such as Google, Facebook
>> and so on evolve this language and run-time for it ...
> Check out PyPy.  It is every bit as fast as the fastest Javascript engines
> like V8.

Does uvloop (libuv from NodeJS) work with PyPy?

Can't remember where I thought I read that libuv + CPython asyncio is
actually faster than node + libuv.

> So is Numba, for that matter, but it's not language wide, so it's a
> slightly different beast.

FWIU, TypeScript (which compiles to ECMAscript (JS)) doesn't do any real
compiler optimizations with the optional type annotations either?
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