On Fri, Jul 17, 2020 at 11:49 AM Jonathan Fine <jfine2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am able today to respond to one question. Ricky asked if
>    >>> key_object = K(a=1, b=2)  # where K is some new key object type
>    >>> d1 = {key_object: 3}
>    >>> d2 = {}
>    >>> d2[a=1, b=2] = 3
>    >>> assert d1==d2
> was what I had in mind. The answer is YES, and in some ways better
> expressed. (And the new key object type is introduced only if necessary for
> the desired user experience.)

Maybe I’m being dense here, but I need more explainatikn of what this “key
object” is, how it works, or what its purpose is.

The use of dict literals makes the role of the key_object even clearer.

Not to me :-(

For clarity, when we write
>     >>> d[1, 2, 3] = 4
> the associated key_object, for backwards compatibility, must be (1, 2, 3),
> which is a tuple.

Yes, and tuples are perfectly valid dict keys, so nothing new here.

> Again for clarity, in today's Python the statements
>     >>> d[1, 2, 3] = 4
>     >>> d[(1, 2, 3)] = 4
> are equivalent. I willingly accept this as a constraint. In my own mind, I
> require it.

Which is due to tuples being created by the commas ...

So what would the “key object” be I the proposed case:

 d2[a=1, b=2]

A namedtuple? Or namedtuple-like object?

The other trick here is that currently in indexes, the comma currently
creates a tuple in the general case, for instance:

Something[1:2, 3:4] creates  a tuple with two slice objects in it. (Heavily
used by numpy.

So if d2[a=1, b=2] creates single object (which should not be
dict-specific, so not a key per se), how would you created a tuple of more
than one such object? Maybe:

Something[(a=5, b=6), (c=7, d=8)]

Anyway, I think a prototype is in order.


Once again, thank you all, and I'll say more tomorrow (about 18 hours from
> now).
> --
> Jonathan
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Christopher Barker, PhD

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