On Sun, Jul 19, 2020 at 10:25 PM Jonathan Goble <jcgob...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 19, 2020 at 9:53 PM Stephan Hoyer <sho...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Jul 17, 2020 at 9:22 PM Ricky Teachey <ri...@teachey.org> wrote:
>>> >>> # The positional arguments aren't part of the KeyObject
>>> >>> d[a, b:c, d, e=5, f=6] == d.__getitem__((a, b:c, d), KeyObject(e=5,
>>> f=6))
>>> This raises a question that needs to be answered, then: what would be
>>> the utility of mixing together positional and kwd arguments in this way?
>>> Even the xarray examples given so far don't seem to make use of this
>>> mixture. From my knowledge of pandas I am not sure what the meaning of
>>> this would be, either.
>> One use case that comes up in xarray and pandas is support for indicating
>> indexing "modes". For example, when indexing with floating point numbers
>> it's convenient to be able to opt-in to approximate indexing, e.g.,
>> something like:
>> array.loc[longitude, latitude, method='nearest', tolerance=0.001]
> I had to stare at this for a good 30 seconds before I realized that this
> wasn't a function/method call. Except for the square brackets instead of
> parentheses, it would be.
> Honestly, this whole idea smells to me like just wanting another type of
> function call with different semantics.
> IMHO the above example would be better spelled as:
> array.loc.get(longitude, latitude, method='nearest', tolerance=0.001)
> Pros: Much more obvious, perfectly legal today, zero backward
> compatibility issues, probably the way many libraries with such
> functionality are doing it now.
> Cons: A few extra characters (depending on the method name; here it's only
> four) and a couple of taps on the Shift key (but you're already used to
> that).
> Whereas for the indexing example:
> Pros: Explicit about indexing a collection and returning an item (but a
> good method name like "get" also has this quality).
> Cons: Not immediately obvious to an uninitiated reader of the code, new
> syntax, code using it is not compatible with Python 3.9 or earlier.
> As for setting a value, the indexing approach has a bit more value (since
> a function call can't be an lvalue), but you can just change the method
> name from "get" to "set" and add an extra parameter to be the value to set,
> and you're done. The pros and cons still apply.

> TL;DR: -1 all the way. Just use ordinary methods.

Another Con for the function call approach, you don't get to use the nice
slicing syntax. Compare:

>>> array.loc.get(slice(None), slice(None), method='nearest',
>>> array.loc.get[:, :, method='nearest', tolerance=0.001]

You also can't delete using a function call:

>>> del array.loc.get[:, :, method='nearest', tolerance=0.001]
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