On 06/08/2020 12:39, Jonathan Grant wrote:
Hey all,

Instead of writing this:

    return my_dict[“a”][“b”][“c”][“d”]
    return “some default”
Please, say "except KeyError:" (or whatever).  A bare "except" is dangerous, as it will catch *all* exceptions, including totally unexpected ones (making debugging harder).

Or this
return my_dict.get(“a”, {}).get(“b”, {}),get(“c”, {}).get(“d”, “some default”)

I propose we allow for an inline exception handler, like `eor`:
return my_dict[“a”][“b”][“c”][“d”] eor “some default”

This works very similar to what we already have with `or`, and makes code much more compact and readable.
As Chris says, this is similar to the rejected PEP 463 "Exception-catching expressions". The main difference IMO is that in PEP 463 you must specifiy the exception(s) to be caught.  E.g.
    return (my_dict[“a”][“b”][“c”][“d”] except KeyError: "some default")
*Not* specifying the exception(s), as in your proposal, is very dangerous (just like a bare "except" clause).  E.g. if you could write     return 1/MisspeltVariableName except "You divided by zero" # No you didn't, you got a NameError. (Unless your proposal was specifically to catch just KeyError (or some other fixed, small set of exceptions) which would greatly limit its usefulness.  I assume it wasn't.)
Best wishes
Rob Cliffe
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