On Wed, Aug 26, 2020 at 7:58 AM Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com> wrote:

> -1. We have already had way WAY too much debate about the alternative
> ways to handle kwargs in subscripts, and quite frankly, I don't think
> this is adding anything new to the discussion. Can we just stop
> bikeshedding this already and let this matter settle down? You still
> aren't showing any advantage over just allowing the current dunder to
> receive kwargs.
> ChrisA

On Wed, Aug 26, 2020, 8:02 AM Steven D'Aprano <st...@pearwood.info> wrote:

> Please don't hijack an existing PEP for an unrelated issue.
> PEP 472 is an existing PEP for "Support for indexing with keyword
> arguments".
> https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0472/
> If you want to write a competing PEP, see PEP 1 for the steps you must
> follow:
> https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0001

I think Jonathan included the name of pep 472 in the subject line just
because it's related to the previous conversations that have been going
on, not to hijack the PEP for a different purpose.

I understand that Steve has said he is very grumpy about all of this
hijacking, derailing, bikeshedding, or whatever other metaphors are
appropriate for the alternative ideas that are being proposed for future
functionality that he cares about and wants to use. Perhaps this applies to
Chris and others as well.

But I have to say that I think this latest is a fantastic idea, and when
Jonathan presented it to me it was very surprising that I had not seen it
presented by anyone else yet. I think it solves a ton of problems, adds a
huge amount of flexibility and functionality, and as such has the potential
to be very powerful.

There are at least three substantive objections I see to this:

1. It will slow down subscripting
2. It adds complexity
3. It actually doesn't add anything helpful/useful

*Objection 1: Slowing Things Down*

The INTENDED EFFECT of the changes to internals will be as Jonathan Fine
described: every time a subscript operation occurs, this new dunder
attribute gets investigated on the class, and if it is not present then the
default key translation function is executed.

If things were implemented in exactly that way, obviously it would slow
everything down a lot. Every subscripting operation gets slowed down
everywhere and that's probably not an option.

However, for actual implementation, there's no reason to do that. Instead
we could wrap the existing item dunder methods automatically at class
creation time only when the new dunder attribute is present. If it is not
present, nothing happens. In other words, what has been described as the
"default key or index translation function" already exists. Let's not
change that at all for classes that do not choose to use it.

This would have the same effect as the proposal, but it would avoid any
slowdown when a class has not provided the new attribute.

Also note that this can coexist alongside Steve's and Chris's preferred
solution, which is to just add kwarg passing to the item dunders. That
change would constitute and adjustment to the "default key or index
translation function", which is sort of like this (from Jonathan's first

def internal_get_function(self, *argv, **kwargs):
    if kwargs:
        raise SyntaxError
    if len(argv) == 1:
        key = argv[0]
        key = argv
    type(self).__getitem__(self, key)

*Objection 2: Adds complexity*

This is hard to argue with. It certainly does add complexity. The question
is whether the complexity is worth the added benefits.

But in the interest of arguing that the additional complexity is not THAT
onerous, I will point out that in order to add flexibility, complexity is
nearly always necessitated.

*Objection 3: Doesn't add anything useful/helpful*

This objection seems obviously false.

With the proposal, the language would support any function desired to turn
the "stuff" inside a subscripting operation into the item dunder calls.

For example: if this proposal were already in place and PEP 472 were to
continue to be held up because of terrorists like me ;) *, one could have
written this translation function and PEP-472-ify their classes already:

def yay_kwargs(self, *args, **kwargs):
    return self.__getitem__(args, **kwargs)

But another person, who doesn't like PEP 472, could do something else:

def boo_kwargs(self, *args, **kwargs):
    if kwargs:
        raise SyntaxError("I prefer to live in the past.")
    return self.__getitem__(args)

* I'm trying to be light, I'm really not offended by Steve's or Chris's
comments, and I really am earnestly trying to offer something helpful here,
not hold things up for people. I care about adding kwargs to the subscript
operator, too.

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