On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 1:43 PM Steven D'Aprano <st...@pearwood.info> wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 11:14:01PM +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:
> > On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 7:59 PM Sergio Fenoll <ser...@fenoll.be> wrote:
> > > Surely there has to be a better way of programming than running stuff,
> > > watching it fail, and then keeping track of how it fails so you can
> > > later handle that failure?
> >
> > Why? Do you really think you can enumerate EVERY possible way that
> > something might fail?
> Nobody is demanding that "EVERY possible way" is handled -- but if you
> need to, then Python lets you do so:
>     # Please don't do this.
>     try:
>         something()
>     except:
>         # handle EVERY error
> Of course this is nearly always the wrong choice. "What can I cope with"
> is easy: it's always *everything*, if you define "cope with" as just
> suppressing the error.
> > Think, instead, about all the possible problems that you can actually
> > cope with. That way, you have a finite - and usually small - set of
> > things to deal with, instead of an infinite field of "well this could
> > go wrong, but we can't do anything about that".
> The problem here is that you can't decide what you can deal with in
> isolation. I can deal with UnicodeEncodeError easily: try again with a
> different encoding, or with a different error handler, easy-peasy.
> But if I'm doing `y = x + 1` and it somehow raised UnicodeEncodeError,
> what do I do? I'm stuck.
> In order to tell what you can deal with, you need to know the
> circumstances of the error, and why it occurred. In other words, you
> need to understand the operation being called, in particular, what
> exceptions it might raise under normal circumstances.
> I'm pretty confident that most people, unless they are TDD zealots,
> start by using either their pre-existing knowledge of the operation, or
> reading the documentation, to find out what exceptions are likely under
> normal circumstances, and *only then* start to think about how to deal
> with such exceptions.
> The alternative is to waste time and mental energy thinking about how to
> deal with exceptions that you will probably never get in real life:
> "Well, if I get an import error, I can add some more directories to
> sys.path and try adding the values again, that might fix it..."
> Who does that? Not me. And I bet you don't either.

"Defensive programming" / "Offensive programming"

... Tacking additional information onto the exception and re-raising may be
the helpful thing to do; though that's still not handling the situation.

Recently I learned about the `raise _ from _` syntax (when writing an
example implementation for "[Python-ideas] f-strings as assignment targets":

def cast_match_groupdict(matchobj, typemap):
    matchdict = matchobj.groupdict()
    if not typemap:
        return matchdict
    for attr, castfunc in typemap.items():
            matchdict[attr] = castfunc(matchdict[attr])
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ValueError(("attr", attr), ("rgx", matchobj.re)) from e
    return matchdict

> So I think that most of us:
> - start with documented or well-known exceptions;
> - and only then decide whether or not we can deal with them.
> Of course rare or unusual exceptions probably won't be discovered
> without a lot of testing, including stress testing, or not until the
> code goes out into production. That's okay.

While there are plenty of ways to debug in production,
debugging in production is a bad idea and is not allowed (because: __, __,
__) :
log the exception with necessary details (traceback, exception attrs, <full
stack frame>) but exclude sensitive information that shouldn't be leaking
into the logging system.

Catching exceptions early is easier when:
- TDD / test coverage are emphasized
- fuzzing is incorporated into the release process (fuzzing is easier with
parameterized test cases)
- unit/functional/integration testing in a copy of production (sufficient

- the coding safety guide says that all exceptions must be handled

> And I think that is Sergio's point: it would be good to have a standard,
> consistent place for functions to document which exceptions they are
> likely to raise under normal circumstances, and one which is available
> to IDEs and runtime inspection. Annotations.

Annotation: (type)
Docstring: (type, docstr)

> Of course we can inspect the docstring of the function, but it's hard
> for an automated tool to distinguish:
>     This will raise WidgetExplosionError if the widget explodes.
> from:
>     This is guaranteed to never raise WidgetExplosionError even
>     if the widget explodes.
> There may be practical difficulties in sticking exceptions into
> annotations. Annotations already can be pretty long and bulky. But if
> you are okay with functions documenting that they might raise a certain
> exception, then *in principle* you should be okay with moving that into
> an annotation rather than the docstring.
> Annotations are just a form of documentation in a consistent standard
> format to make it easy for IDEs to read them.

Linting and parsing docstrings that contain per-exception ReST docstrs
would be real nice and DRY.

https://sphinxcontrib-napoleon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ says:

> Python 2/3 compatible annotations aren’t currently supported by Sphinx
and won’t show up in the docs.

Is that still the case?
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