On 2020-11-20 01:51, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
If that's really what you want, you probably should look at making a way
to run Python apps in the browser. Everyone has an OS, everyone has a
browser, GUI browsers have similar looking look-and-feels, the days when
devs assumed Internet Explorer are long gone.

I'm as steadfastly negative about browser apps as Chris A. is about native executables. :-)

I realize this is an unpopular view, but I think the browser is a terrible app platform. It provides no user-configurable widget sets, so every app looks the way the app "designer" came up with, rather than all apps using a common look and feel. It has crippled access to the filesystem. Worst of all, the "app platform" is inextricably bound to a particular GUI app which cannot be versioned or used independently of the interpreter that runs other people's web apps. That is, if I like the interface of Firefox itself, but then they change it, I have no way to use the old Firefox interface while using the upgraded app engine (i.e., JS interpreter) because they're joined at the hip. All this makes using web apps a very frustrating experience for me.

From my perspective bundling and locking and all those things have a very positive aspect, which is that they allow the user to "freeze" their workflow with a given tool and not be subject to changes foisted upon them by the authors. This wouldn't be such a problem if app authors were more disciplined about separating concerns, so that you could always get a security fix for some hidden bug without changing anything about how the app works from a user perspective. But since app authors don't do that, it's critical for me as a user to have a way to protect myself from an app author who suddenly decides their app should change and pulls the rug out from under my workflow.

Now, it's true that something that provided the app-platform side of the browser without being tied to a particular interface would be great. That sounds more like the recent spinoff thread about a Python "app store". I think that would be even better than a native-executable-creation library, if we can get it.

Brendan Barnwell
"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path, and leave a trail."
   --author unknown
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