Hi Ricky,

A couple people have said this but I'll ask again because I am curious:
> would it be possible to delay introduction of None entirely until it's time
> to introduce is?

This maybe comes down to course tactics. I happen to like doing algorithms
with data arranged in 2d from the start - you can show the kind of
before/after data state in a way that is easy for the students to see, to
understand what their code needs to do,  and the 2d is a rich enough domain
that there's a zillion algorithms you can cook up. However, in the 2d, it
comes up that you need a representation for when a square is empty, and I
think None is the right value for that. Students have no problems
understanding the role of None.

You could use a string constant 'empty' or something as a workaround. But I
think just showing the None is the right way. It's a Python course, here's
a situation where None is the appropriate Python approach, so probably this
is the week to show them None.

A teacher could just use strings and ints and this would not come up, but I
love the 2d early for the richness of the examples and homeworks you can do
with it.



On Wed, Sep 1, 2021 at 11:06 AM Ricky Teachey <ri...@teachey.org> wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 1, 2021 at 1:32 PM Nick Parlante <n...@cs.stanford.edu> wrote:
>> In fairness to Nick, he is not talking about the real world. Nick is
>>> talking about the hot-house environment of *education*, where fragile
>>> newbies are generally protected from real world issues.
>> Let me unpack this just a teeny bit. We don't need to think of the
>> students as fragile. Think of it as where the minutes go.
>> Like why is Java worse? You are trying to explain about comparisons, and
>> you need like 30 minutes for Java where the number of different required
>> comparison facilities is big, and it just looks needlessly complicated.
>> What is the problem with that? Think of it this way: I wanted to talk about
>> *algorithms* and solving real problems .. like those are the best uses of
>> lecture time and examples. If the language injects something that you feel
>> is not such a great use of time, you notice that those minutes are taken
>> away from the actual course goals.
>> Now for Python, == vs. is nothing like that bad. Both == and is are
>> sensible, necessary parts of the language, I would just prefer to talk
>> about == earlier and is later. Of the two, == is the no-brainer one when
>> the students just have ints and strings, and no-brainer is what you want in
>> week 2.
>> For teaching, you are not just identifying the 500 important things they
>> need to know. To teach artfully, you are trying to think of an ordering,
>> layering on 50 new things each week, where the subest achieved each week is
>> internally coherent and you can do a project just using that subset, and at
>> the end of the course you've gotten through everything.
>> Best,
>> Nick
> A couple people have said this but I'll ask again because I am curious:
> would it be possible to delay introduction of None entirely until it's time
> to introduce is?
> The biggest thing None seems to be needed for beginners is to learn the
> idiom for function signature default arguments for mutable parameters (the
> classic "Least Astonishment" and the Mutable Default Argument problem
> <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1132941/least-astonishment-and-the-mutable-default-argument>
> ).
> If the goal of the course is to get as quickly as possible to
> *algorithms* and solving real problems, then I don't see why you even need
> to teach default arguments at all.
> ---
> Ricky.
> "I've never met a Kentucky man who wasn't either thinking about going home
> or actually going home." - Happy Chandler
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