Steven D'Aprano writes:
 > On Thu, Sep 02, 2021 at 04:04:40PM +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
 > > You may not need to teach them about singletons, though.
 > It's hard to teach why `is` works with None,

For definitions of "works" that comes down to "agrees with Nick that
'is' is just a weird way to spell '==' most of the time".  But that's
not how I think of 'is'.

 > but not with 1.234 or [], without talking about the object model
 > and singletons.

Object model, of course, but singletons?  AFAICS, "singleton" is a red
herring here.  Object model is important for '[]': there are times
where it's important that 'a == b == [] and a is b', and other times
where it's important that 'a == b == [] and a is not b'.  But from the
point of view of beginner education, at least, there's no reason why
None and Ellipsis couldn't share a SpecialObjects type (although you
couldn't put False and True in there).

 > To say nothing of why it works with 0 and 1 but not 123456.

Case in point for singletons being a red herring.  True == 1 but
True is not 1 (in Python 3.10).  Neither object is a singleton.

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