On Mon, 6 Sept 2021 at 01:13, Greg Ewing <greg.ew...@canterbury.ac.nz> wrote:
> On 6/09/21 3:07 am, C. Titus Brown via Python-ideas wrote:
> > with csv.DictReader.open(filename) as r:
> >     for row in r:
> >        …
> You can do this now:
> from contextlib import closing
> with closing(csv.DictReader.open(filename)) as r:
>     ...

What version of Python are you using?

>>> import csv
>>> csv.DictReader.open
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: type object 'DictReader' has no attribute 'open'

> IMO this is preferable than going around adding context manager
> methods to everything that has open-like functionality.

I disagree. It would be better if resource acquisition (e.g. opening a
file) always took place in an __enter__ method so that it could always
be under control of a with statement. Having closing as a separate
function negates that because there has to be a separate function that
acquires the resource before the closing function is called and hence
before __enter__ is called.

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