On 2021-09-06 10:50, Christopher Barker wrote:
I think the point here is not the context manager, but rather, having
the reader open the file itself, rather than taking an already open
file-like object.

I agree, and I think having such capability is very useful. I'm always annoyed by things like json.load that require me to open the file separately. There isn't much genuine ambiguity here: I think it's fine to treat strings and Path instances as meaning "this is a filename, open it" and if it's not specifically one of those, then treat it as a file-like object and try to read it.

Alternatively, as mentioned on this thread, there's no reason that all these functions that require you to open the file yourself couldn't just grow a new method that's explicitly documented to accept a filename instead of an open file.

But I don't see how requiring the user to open the file first on their own gains anything. In my experience 90% of the time that's just more cumbersome and I would prefer the library to handle the entire file operation internally (like pandas does).

Brendan Barnwell
"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path, and leave a trail."
   --author unknown
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