On 12/6/2021 1:24 AM, Christopher Barker wrote:

On Sun, Dec 5, 2021 at 10:38 AM David Mertz, Ph.D. <david.me...@gmail.com> wrote:

    I first discussed the idea of a "generalized deferred object/type"
    on this list at least two years ago, probably more than three (I
    haven't looked through archives lately to be sure the dates). The
    idea got some vague interest, but I was too lazy, or too busy, or
    whatever, to write an actual PEP or implementation.

I don’t think a full PEP is required at this point, but throughout this discussion, the idea of a deferred object being a better solution to this same problem has been brought up.

My sense it that some folks think if we want late-bound defaults, we really should just do deferred objects.

But I honestly don’t get it. My idea of a deferred object would be quite different that this, would not be a great replacement for this, and could quite happily co-exist with this idea. Clearly I’m missing something.

I've used this example before.

Let's assume backticks create a "deferred object" (a name I hate, but I'll continue to use in this discussion). I realize backticks won't fly, I'm using them deliberately so as to not argue about the syntax here.

If I want to specify a late bound dataclasses default parameter, currently I have to say:

class A:
    my_list: list = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)

What I'd like to be able to say:

class A:
    my_list: list = `[]`

In the class A, before @dataclass is called, I want A.my_list to be a "deferred object" that I could then use when @dataclass is generating __init__(). Exactly how and when the "deferred object" would get evaluated is debatable, but not so important for the sake of this discussion. Suffice it to say that it would either be explicitly or implicitly evaluated at the start of __init__.

I think you can see that this would benefit from similar functionality to late-bound parameters, and that if we had this more general mechanism that late-bound parameters could use the same underlying mechanism.

Had these "deferred objects" existed when I designed dataclasses, I would have used them instead of the clunky default_factory. PEP 671 does not help with this use case, where a late-bound parameter isn't specified in a function definition. I need the late-bound parameter to be stored in an object I can refer to later.


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