Chris Angelico writes:
 > On Sat, Dec 11, 2021 at 5:35 PM Stephen J. Turnbull
 > <> wrote:

 > >     foo(x=>[a])

 > I'm not sure what that last line would mean.

This isn't about your proposal, it's about more general syntax.  Not
everything being discussed is about your proposal, and I suspect one
reason you have trouble figuring out what other people are talking
about is that you persistently try to force everything into that

 > My proposal doesn't change the call site in any way, so I'm trying
 > to figure out what you mean by that call. Are you saying that
 > x=>[a] would be an assignment statement that sets x to an
 > unevaluated expression?

No, I'm saying it would be an assignment expression (like :=), but
that's what it would do.  But that binding would be ignored, and the
value passed into the function in the usual way.  A keyword argument
would be set with the even uglier x = (x=>[a]).

 > If so, that's independent of the default argument.

Of course it is, because it's a device to pass a general "deferred
object" which is constructed in the actual argument list.

 > If it's a special way to pass keyword arguments to a
 > function,

No.  In fact in this context x is a dummy, as ugly as any crash test
dummy after the crash.  I probably should have used _.

 > It would also require significant changes to the way that nonlocal
 > names are looked up (or would be restricted in what nonlocals it
 > can refer to, possibly none at all).

All of which should clue you in that that's probably not what I'm
talking about, especially when I explicitly wrote "while in an
executable context, it could return the object, as := does".

 > Indeed. But here's the question: If a deferred object is to be a
 > replacement for default_factory, then it must by definition be able to
 > be stored for later. So it can't be autoevaluated unless there's some
 > mechanism for delaying the autoevaluation. This seems like an
 > incredibly messy approach.

Such an object is not evaluated when created; it's evaluated when
referenced, like a descriptor.  Descriptors are messy, too, but
very useful.

 > The use-cases for deferred evaluation differ

Yup.  It's an object, those use-cases can "almost certainly" (IMHO,
but I suspect David and Eric agree) be distinguished by attributes set
on the object, or auxiliary APIs for special use-cases where you want
the unevaluated object.  I suspect that most folks who want "deferred
objects" haven't really thought about this issue, but have focused on
their immediate applications.

 > What would have overlap with argument defaults isn't the same thing
 > that would be useful for dataclasses.

If you say so, but forgive me if I table your comment and wait for
Eric to weigh in on requirements related to dataclasses.  In any case,
if the default is such a deferred object x, I'm pretty sure that doing
x=x before entering the function body is equivalent to your proposal.
I see no particular reason why we couldn't have that rule for
"deferred objects" created in "function signature scope".

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