On Tue, Apr 12, 2022 at 11:27 AM Christopher Barker <python...@gmail.com>

>  > > I guess you could call the associative law of multiplication "dumb
>>  > > luck", but most mathematicians will consider that hate speech.
>>  >
>>  > My apologies for not understanding your example.  The counter
>>  > example I had in my head, and should have written down,
>>  > was something like:
>>  >
>>  >    15mpg * 7l == how many miles?
> Using pint:
> In [76]: U = pint.UnitRegistry()
> In [77]: (15 * U.miles / U.gallons * 7 * U.liter).to('miles')
> Out[77]: 27.7380654976056 <Unit('mile')>
> A bit verbose, perhaps, but to me clear, and the operator precedence rules
> seem to "just work".
> And it you want it a tad less verbose, you can give some of those units
> names:
> In [78]: mpg = U.miles / U.gallons
> In [79]: l = U.liter
> In [80]: (15 * mpg * 7 * l).to('miles')
> Out[80]: 27.7380654976056 <Unit('mile')>
> My question for the folks that want units built in to Python is "what's so
> hard about that?
> Ricky wrote:
> "Python is so painful to use for units I've actually avoided it,"
> Really? have you tried pint? or anything else? what is so painful about
> this?
> -CHB
> --
> Christopher Barker, PhD (Chris)

I will try to finish my email about this I started writing a week ago!


"I've never met a Kentucky man who wasn't either thinking about going home
or actually going home." - Happy Chandler
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