>  > > I guess you could call the associative law of multiplication "dumb
>  > > luck", but most mathematicians will consider that hate speech.
>  >
>  > My apologies for not understanding your example.  The counter
>  > example I had in my head, and should have written down,
>  > was something like:
>  >
>  >    15mpg * 7l == how many miles?

Using pint:

In [76]: U = pint.UnitRegistry()

In [77]: (15 * U.miles / U.gallons * 7 * U.liter).to('miles')
Out[77]: 27.7380654976056 <Unit('mile')>

A bit verbose, perhaps, but to me clear, and the operator precedence rules
seem to "just work".

And it you want it a tad less verbose, you can give some of those units

In [78]: mpg = U.miles / U.gallons
In [79]: l = U.liter

In [80]: (15 * mpg * 7 * l).to('miles')
Out[80]: 27.7380654976056 <Unit('mile')>

My question for the folks that want units built in to Python is "what's so
hard about that?

Ricky wrote:

"Python is so painful to use for units I've actually avoided it,"

Really? have you tried pint? or anything else? what is so painful about


Christopher Barker, PhD (Chris)

Python Language Consulting
  - Teaching
  - Scientific Software Development
  - Desktop GUI and Web Development
  - wxPython, numpy, scipy, Cython
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