On Fri, Jun 30, 2023 at 8:34 AM Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Totally different topic, but I do think that a "curated" package repo
> would be helpful -- there is a lot of cruft on PyPi :-(
> >
> That idea gets thrown around every once in a while, but there are a
> few problems with it.

Well yes, many ....

I think there are a lot of packages that we could all agree are cruft --
pre-release stuff that hasn't been updated in years, etc, etc.

Then there are those that have become pseudo standards: numpy, requests,

Then there is EVERYTHING in between -- which is most (by number anyway).

So what would a "curated" package repo be?

I'm not sure -- though I'd like to see even a small amount of curation --
some barrier to get over so that we don't have the confusion of the real

Unfortunately, the laudable goal of a low barrier to entry for putting a
package up on PyPi, and the culture of packaging documentation oriented to
PyPi means that a lot of folks put stuff up there even though there are few
if any other users.

So I think light curation would help a lot. [*]

   If the PSF recommends a package

Who said anything about the PSF? ;-)  -- but yes, that would be another way
to go -- a tightly curated collection -- lower barrier to entry than the
standard library, but still pretty high.

Which is a huge burden on the developer(s).

Sure -- but it should be, that's kind of the point -- the idea is to have a
way to identify high quality well maintained packages.

 > And someone has to go through all those

> packages, and then discuss it with whoever else has to be responsible
> for this curated collection, and come to an agreement.

yup -- that's the biggest problem right there.

> Instead, what I'd like to see is: Personal, individual blogs,
> recommending packages that the author knows about and can give genuine
> advice about. Provide YOUR curated collection.

Are there not a lot of these already? -- That's how the current "cream of
the crop" has risen for years. But it doesn't solve the OP's issue -- IIUC,
they want to have some assurance that a given package is something that can
be relied on, without having to do a bunch of research.


Actually, I think the Decentralized nature of what we have now is part of
the problem.

But this does give me an idea -- a single site that can collect
recommendations and reviews -- maybe even as part of PyPi itself -- that
could help folks find the good ones.

-Chris B

[*]  conda-forge is an example of light curation -- nothing goes on the
conda-forge channel without approval of the conda-forge core team. But they
are reviewing only the conda package itself -- is it built right?, is it
compatible with the rest of conda-forge?, does it have its license
included?, ... -- not the quality or usefulness of the package itself. But
this barrier to entry means that no one puts anything up there unless they
have a good reason to, and there are some assurances that things will work
together. I think even that helps a lot.

> ChrisA
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Christopher Barker, PhD (Chris)

Python Language Consulting
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  - Scientific Software Development
  - Desktop GUI and Web Development
  - wxPython, numpy, scipy, Cython
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