Steven Bethard wrote:
Very cool. I didn't know about this. Does anyone know how to make it work with Pythonwin[1]? (Obviously, I can type the above in manually every time, but I'd much rather have Pythonwin do this automatically for me.)


[1] I'd do my example code at the command prompt, but I can't live without copy-paste. ;)

You can copy and paste from a Windows command prompt. It's a bit bizarre, but
- In the system menu for a command window, pick Properties
- On the Options tab, turn on Quick Edit mode
- Now you can copy and paste with right-click (!). If you have text selected, right-click will copy, otherwise paste. It's a bit strange but it works.

I think it's wonderfully ironic that in Windows - which takes such pains to make everything keyboard accessible - in a *command line* window, which is using keyboard input by its nature - you have to use the mouse for copy and paste!!


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