| Tim Golden wrote:
| > [gel]
| >
| > | I have written a python client server app [...]
| > | I want to run the client end of the app more or less invisibly
| > | (no console) on the XP clients when ever a users logs on.

[Tim G]
| > The normal way is to run a Win32 service. There are several
| > posts on the subject around the Python and Python-Win32
| > mailing lists / newsgroups. The alternative is to set something
| > to run when any user logs in to run without a window. Again,
| > there are posts on the subject, including one I seem to remember
| > from Robin Becker, which tell how to do this kind of thing.

| Yes running the client as a service seems to be the way to go.  I have
| had a bit of a look at the py2exe way of doing it, but have not got my
| head around it yet.  What would be your preferred way of creating a
| service for an XP client?

I've always coded pretty much from scratch, reusing a tried-and-trusted
skeleton and fitting things in. That said, I've never had to put
a service that was anything more than lightweight. The attached template
culled from someone's webpage, can't remember where I'm afraid. I
people have had success in using py2exe to create a service but I
tried it myself.

Hopefully more experienced service-writers will chime in with coherent
advice. You might also try the python-win32 mailing list, since not
everyone who reads that reads this I imagine.


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Attachment: service_template.py
Description: service_template.py


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