On Tue, 12 Sep 2006 20:15:58 GMT, Nemesis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>XPN (X Python Newsreader) is a multi-platform newsreader with Unicode
>support. It is written with Python+GTK. It has features like
>scoring/actions, X-Face and Face decoding, muting of quoted text,
>newsrc import/export, find article and search in the body, spoiler
>char/rot13, random taglines and configurable attribution lines.

Hello Nemesis,

that is a great program, thank you.

I will try to use it and also attempt to 
customize it, so that it works like forte agent.

<ironic>Even better would it be to have it in wxPython</ironic>

Some little points:

There is no progress bar or other info, if I subscribe one list.
There is a little in the lower left corner, but if a lot of headers
and bodies are received, the program seems to hang.
I actually killed it, because I thought that hanging.

It would be nice, if I click on the groups pane another group, 
the messages appear immediatly, without needing to double click the

When composing messages, the tab size is 8. It would be nice to 
have the possibility to adjust this size.


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