Osiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed

> I have these pieces of C-code (NOT C++ !!) I want to call from Python.
> I found Boost.
> I have MS Visual Studio 2005 with C++.
> is this the idea:
> I write the following C source file:
> ============================
> #include <iostream>

iostream is a C++ header file...

> #include <stdafx.h>
> namespace { // Avoid cluttering the global namespace.

C doesn't know about namespaces. They are a C++ thing, too.
> int my_int;   /* a global integer: or outside namespace ? */
>  double calc ( double f)
>  {
>     my_int = (int) (f/2);
>     printf( "Half of %f is %d\n", f, my_int );

You include a C++ IO header, but use traditional C IO functions here.
Either you use C++ streams here, or you replace <iostream> with

>     return f/2;
>  }
> }
> #include <boost/python.hpp>
> using namespace boost::python;
> {
>     def("calc", calc );
> }
> ================================
> Which I put in a VC project and compile into a .DLL
> This DLL I put somewhere on my disk, where Python 2.4 can find it.
> then I write the following Python source:
> =====================
> from half import *
> calc(34655.0)
> et voila ?
> Can I acces my_int too, this way ?

May be... Didn't you try it?
It may also be, that you have to create a PyObject first...

Freedom is always the freedom of dissenters.
                                      (Rosa Luxemburg)

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