On Feb 10, 6:31 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 9, 11:39?am, "Ben Sizer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hopefully in the future, some of those convoluted steps will be fixed,
> > but that requires someone putting in the effort to do so. As is often
> > the case with Python, and indeed many open source projects, the people
> > who are knowledgeable enough to do such things usually don't need to
> > do them, as their setup already works just fine.
> So you're saying the knowledgeable people's attitude
> is "fuck everyone else as lomg as it's not MY problem"?
> And you people complain about Microsoft.

Am I one of "those people"? You don't exactly make it clear.

But yes, there is a lot of "well, it works for me" going around. If
you do that long enough, people stop complaining, so people wrongly
assume there's no longer a problem. This is partly why Python has
various warts on Windows and why the standard libraries are oddly
biased, why configuring Linux almost always ends up involving hand-
editing a .conf file, why the leading cross-platform multimedia
library SDL still doesn't do hardware graphics acceleration a decade
after such hardware became mainstream, and so on.

However, the difference between the open-source people and Microsoft
is the the open-source people aren't being paid by you for the use of
their product, so they're not obligated in any way to help you. After
all, they have already given freely and generously, and if they choose
not to give more on top of that, it's really up to them. Yes, it's
occasionally very frustrating to the rest of us, but that's life. The
best I feel I can do is raise these things on occasion, on the off-
chance that I manage to catch the attention of someone who is
altruistic, knowledgeable, and who has some spare time on their hands!

Ben Sizer


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