On 2/20/07, Jeff Templon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bjorn, I am not sure I see why my post is bull crap.  I think all you
> are doing is agreeing with me.  My post was entitled "Python 3.0 unfit
> for serious work", you just indicated that the Linux distros will
> agree with me, in order to be taken seriously, the distros will have
> to include 2.x python for a very long time.  If 3.0 and 2.x have any
> serious degree of incompatibility, python will be a favorite subject
> for religious rants and heated arguments for many people.  And if we
> don't manage to restrain our developers from using features that force
> us prematurely to move to 3.0 ... and don't underestimate what this
> means, because this means other things will have to move as well,
> which may have dependencies on yet other things like C++ library
> versions ... then I would have to, for reasons of maintainability,
> argue against continuing to allow python code development in the
> project.  I love python, but not enough to make 20+ people's lives
> difficult.
> There are already people making this sort of argument in our project.

This is why I said that your post was a load of bull crap:

"Then Python is pretty much determined to remove itself from
consideration from various kinds of international projects like the
one I work on [unless py3k is backwards compatible with python 2.x]."

You did not explain why this is so.

"if 2.4 code doesn't run on 3.0, it's rather likely that strong
pressure will be applied to port *away* from Python into something
less capricious."

Who are these people that are applying the strong pressure? How can
you run a international and seemingly very important project without
knowing basic things about how to handle versioning problems?

I mean, they would rather port this big system, deployed on thousands
of computers all over the world, to an entirely different programming
language than to continue using Python 2.x because Python 3.x, when it
is released, MIGHT cause them some problems several YEARS from now?

mvh Björn

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